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3/27/2015 8:55 am  #11

Re: Steve Chronister drops out of York County Republican primary race

The way I understand the issue mistakes were made when Steve Chronister circulated
Nomination petitions. The primaries are closed so people running as democrats/republicans can only have the same party sign the Nomination petitions.
That means that only democrats can sign for democrats running for office and the same for republicans. The other requirement is you must be a current registered voter.  Apparently he had democrats sign his petitions. A complaint was filed and was about to go to court. If the court ruled against him he would have been barred from running. So he withdrew as a republican and will now run as a ‘independent”.  
I think he will easily win relection.
“The withdrawal comes on the heels of a Tuesday challenge to more than 100 signatures on his nomination petition and a Wednesday order that he would have to defend each signature by 9 a.m. today for a 10 a.m. hearing.”
Chronister will have to register as an independent by April 20 and will have until Aug. 3 to collect a minimum of 919 signatures to be eligible for the general ballot in November, according to Nikki Suchanic, the director of the county Voting & Elections office. He said he intends to get 9,000 signatures to avoid another challenge.
The 919-signature count is 2 percent of the vote received by District Attorney Tom Kearney, the top vote-getting county row officer last election with 45,935 votes, Suchanic said.”

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


3/27/2015 9:55 am  #12

Re: Steve Chronister drops out of York County Republican primary race

So, the proverbial bottom line on this story is: Chronister (a registered republican incumbent candidate) had his nomination petition challenged by another republican candidate because he felt some of the signatures on the petition were not registered republicans and was against the election laws. So, Chronister, rather than go through the challenge procedure, opts for registering as an independent, going through the petitioning procedure again, and running as an independent candidate.

My questions are:
1) can only registered independents sign his new petition or any registered voter no matter what their party affiliation is?
2) if any registered voter can sign the independent candidate's petition, then why can't he just resubmit his original petition (assuming that he exceeded the necessary quota and the challenge was based on signers crossing party lines to sign his original petition)?
3) why don't we know the name of the fellow republican candidate that challenged the petition?
4) when is Pennsylvania going to update its antiquated election laws that provide extreme favoritism to major party candidates and have open primaries and elections?

Again, what a ridiculous major political party election boondoggle. As a registered independent voter, I hope Chronister wins overwhelmingly.


3/27/2015 1:24 pm  #13

Re: Steve Chronister drops out of York County Republican primary race

My understanding is:

1) anyone can sign the petition of an independent candidate.
2) he can't use his old petitions because they were filled out and submitted as a Republican seeking a spot on the primary ballot. He can go get signatures from the same people who signed his first petitions, but he's got to fill out new petitions.
3) attorney Joseph Gothie filed the challenge on behalf of Donald Jeffries Jr. of Red Lion, Monica Seitz of Dallastown and Richard Slaugh of Red Lion.
4) not soon enough

**p.s. I did some quick Googling. Donald Jeffries attended Kelly Henshaw's reception in February and was a "silver sponsor" for the event according to the Facebook page. Richard Slaugh donated to Kelly Henshaw's previous political campaign. And Monica Seitz is friends with Kelly Henshaw on Facebook. That's enough evidence for me to figure that Kelly Henshaw's campaign used these three as the challengers to ensure that it wouldn't be viewed as underhanded or dirty politics. I don't care either way, I just enjoy rooting around the interwebs for this kind of stuff.

Last edited by opendoug (3/27/2015 1:35 pm)


3/27/2015 9:02 pm  #14

Re: Steve Chronister drops out of York County Republican primary race

Great sleuthing, Doug....that's the sort of thing that our news "reporters" used to do.

I'm not surprised to see Henshaw behind this, just as I am not surprised to see Henshaw's most recent opponent, Stan Saylor, serve as campaign chair for Susie Byrnes. 

Byrnes vs, Henshaw is really a grudge rematch of Saylor vs Henshaw.   

Chris Reilly should be secure, now, as the only incumbent in the GOP primary but he can't take anything for granted.  He has self-identified as a "fiscal conservative" for over a decade.   So "fiscal conservative" vs. TEA party should be a good grab-the-popcorn contest.

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