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3/19/2015 12:22 pm  #1

Why the American Dream is unraveling, in 4 charts

You can almost forget reading the article and merely look at the 4 charts and draw your own conslusions. The question then becomes IF the carts are correct, just what needs to be done to correct it.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

3/19/2015 2:47 pm  #2

Re: Why the American Dream is unraveling, in 4 charts

Dreadful statistics if correct.  I do not see any significant changes unless and until the political systems in this country do a turn about and the Republican Party (and some Dems, too) accept the reality of poverty and shameful education systems in the U. S.


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