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1/06/2016 7:49 pm  #1

School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

Seriously, of course the Governor had to make the distribution of funds to schools a political issue.  And of course some districts he is giving the biggest increases to are Philly schools and counties surrounding Philly and Pittsburgh.  Just the counties that are important for elections for statewide office



1/06/2016 8:10 pm  #2

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

The Guv might want to consider moving out of his Mt. Wolf home.  It is in the Northeastern School District, with one of the highest tax rates in York County.

If he doesn't want to live in the Governor's Mansion he might try Filthadelphia.

Life is an Orthros.

1/07/2016 8:02 am  #3

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

Brady & Tarnation. It is clear that you both have concerns over the budget impasse we have experienced for the past 6-1/2 months. My question to both of you is: have you expressed your concerns directly to your senator, representative, and the governor?


1/07/2016 8:07 am  #4

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

I have written to the Governor twice about this issue and have not heard back on either occasion.
And I do not expect any response from him.

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


1/07/2016 8:31 am  #5

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

Funny . . . I've been writing Senator Wagner, Representative Saylor, and Governor Wolf on several occasions since July 2015. Everyone has answered my concerns on several occasions with the exception of Stan Saylor.

My experience with Saylor is that he is kind of a phone it in guy waiting out until he can collect his pension.

I have expressed concern that the budget process is detailed in the state constitution and that has not been followed. Lately my greatest concern is that partisan politics has overridden the serious business of formulating a budget and that has had a negative affect on the people of Pennsylvania. Lately, the responses from Mr. Wagner always seem to devolve into a partisan blame game whereas response fro the governor's office tend to lean towards problem solving and finding reasonable solutions.

But that's just my experience, yours may be different. I always state in my message that I am a registered independent, I always vote, and I will remember this clusterf&@k when I enter the voting booth.

Maybe that's why Saylor doesn't answer . . . If he runs in 2016, he figures he's already lost my vote due to his inaction.


1/07/2016 8:35 am  #6

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

See my answer to that exact same question you asked me 2 months ago:

     Thread Starter

1/07/2016 9:18 am  #7

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

Here's an interesting perspective on the state house stalemate in the budget process:


1/07/2016 6:16 pm  #8

Re: School funding distribution gives rise to new battle between Wolf, GOP

I've been in touch with two of three--the legislative branch.   Frequently.

And thanks for the link:  That newspaper is the best (well, just about the ONLY) source for what is happening in the PA government.

Life is an Orthros.

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