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Why did we have to wait 6 months for the line item veto? This could have been done after the first budget vote was sent to Wolf?
Who wins with Wolf's line-item veto? Nobody
We’re still in limbo. Limbo is defined as just this side of hell. So, politically speaking, that sounds about right.
So, who won the latest round of Great State Budget Battle?Did Republican lawmakers win because Gov. Tom Wolf “blinked” and issued a line-item veto rather than a full veto?Did the governor win because he kept his prospects for a more comprehensive compromise budget alive?Did citizens win because the line-item veto gets some much-needed money flowing to public schools, counties and other important services?Yes and no to all three questions.But the truth is that we’re still in limbo.Limbo is defined as just this side of hell.
So, politically speaking, that sounds about right. Limbo is also a game in which participants see who can pass under the lowest bar. And that sounds about right, too, because our “leaders” in Harrisburg have shown they can go pretty low.Gov. Wolf used some salty language such as “stupidity” and “garbage” in describing the budget he thoroughly blue lined. GOP leaders shot back with childish jeering of their own.OMG! Really!?
Is this what it’s come to?Here’s the deal:The governor was right to release some money.Shutting down schools and services does no one any good.The governor is also right that the House GOP budget that the Senate – surprisingly – passed is inadequate and must be reworked.Lawmakers are right that Mr. Wolf is going to have to scale back his spending expectations.Let’s put aside for now the debate between the governor and GOP lawmakers such as Rep. Seth Grove, R-Dover Township, over whether the House budget is a $95 million cut to public education (as Mr. Wolf says) or a $400 million increase (as the GOP says).
It’s a semantic argument over how you count reimbursements for school construction costs.Perhaps the biggest problem is that the House budget likely leaves us with a $2 billion deficit by the end of the next fiscal year. That’s not acceptable. Some new revenue is going to be needed.Nobody wants to hear that. Nobody likes tax hikes. But some increases will be necessary if we’re going to pay our bills, police our communities, educate our kids and maintain our infrastructure properly.
Some targeted spending cuts will also be needed. And Mr. Wolf’s veto pen zeroed in on an important one: legislative spending.We have one of the nation’s largest and most expensive legislatures. Our lawmakers are over-paid, over-perked and under-worked.The General Assembly needs to significantly tighten its belt – and the governor’s veto would help put it on a diet. He cut $30 million from the Senate and $20 million from the House.
That’s a start.And we don’t want to hear a peep from conservative lawmakers who say all bodies of government need to be trimmed – except for their own.In the end, it’s just astounding that the two “sides” have been negotiating for more than six months and still can’t find common ground that properly funds schools, reforms property taxes and pensions, makes natural gas drillers pay their fair share, gets us out of the liquor business in a way that increases convenience for customers and … well, we could go on for pages.Yes, that’s a tall order, but it shouldn’t be THAT hard – for mature elected leaders. Unfortunately, our leaders can’t seem to put partisanship aside and work for the common good.There are no winners in this political limbo.
It is a misnomer to call what has been going on in Harrisburg concerning the budget impasse as 'negotiating'. It is pure politics with the majority of the political gamesmanship being played by the members of the House of Representatives. The base reason for our representatives not doing their jobs is the fact that they are up for re-election in 2016. In order to line up benefactors to pay the cost of their campaigns -- those benefactors to be repaid through favorable legislation that will enrich those contributors -- and to put their names out in the media. Unfortunately, not performing your prescribed duties does not ingratiate you to your constituents. However, incumbent representatives are well aware of the fact that 90% of incumbents are re-elected, and that's what they're counting on: short term memory of an apathetic electorate. Don't forget about the lousy job these people have done. 203 of them are up for re-election in 2016. Don't let them get away with their selfish dereliction of duty. VOTE THE BUMS OUT ! !
Wolf should have used the line-item veto months ago, the veto of the entire budget back then was a political ploy by him because he thought vetoing the entire thing gave him a greater chance to get more of what he wanted instead of using the line-item veto.
It was a terrible miscalculation on his part, considering what he did yesterday was what could have and should have taken place months ago. By vetoing big portions of the bill, they are forced to come back and get a final agreement.
Whoever advised Wolf to veto the entire thing (probably Katie McGinty who is now running for the US Senate), made a horrible decision considering all we got yesterday was something we should have had 6 months ago.
Without a doubt a major mistake by the Governor.
Who wins?
The stopgap budget which was passed contains NO increase in the Personal Income Tax, NO increase in the sales tax rate, most importantly, NO expansion of the sales tax base.
What Governor Wolf had proposed was an expansion of the sales tax to resemble the much despised Canadian "Goods and Services Tax" (GST) which is levied on just about everything, including funerals, nursing home care, and new residential construction.
If the legislature is ever inclined to vote for such a draconian expansion it would happen in 2017, safely past the next election and sufficiently early into the following election cycle that many voters would forget about it.
Wolf needs to stop his temper tantrum and realize that he overreached.
Then set modest goals and appropriately scaled tax increases.
Tarnation wrote:
Who wins?
The stopgap budget which was passed contains NO increase in the Personal Income Tax, NO increase in the sales tax rate, most importantly, NO expansion of the sales tax base.
What Governor Wolf had proposed was an expansion of the sales tax to resemble the much despised Canadian "Goods and Services Tax" (GST) which is levied on just about everything, including funerals, nursing home care, and new residential construction.
If the legislature is ever inclined to vote for such a draconian expansion it would happen in 2017, safely past the next election and sufficiently early into the following election cycle that many voters would forget about it.
Wolf needs to stop his temper tantrum and realize that he overreached.
Then set modest goals and appropriately scaled tax increases.
Exactly. So far, Wolf has only shown us that he doesn't know what he's doing as governor. I get the feeling that Wolf is going to spend his entire term trying to increase everyone's taxes.
Here is a novel idea -- perhaps we need to forget about framing everything in terms of winning and losing. Seems that is the biggest problem with the whole system.
Tarnation wrote:
Who wins?
The stopgap budget which was passed contains NO increase in the Personal Income Tax, NO increase in the sales tax rate, most importantly, NO expansion of the sales tax base.
What Governor Wolf had proposed was an expansion of the sales tax to resemble the much despised Canadian "Goods and Services Tax" (GST) which is levied on just about everything, including funerals, nursing home care, and new residential construction.
If the legislature is ever inclined to vote for such a draconian expansion it would happen in 2017, safely past the next election and sufficiently early into the following election cycle that many voters would forget about it.
Wolf needs to stop his temper tantrum and realize that he overreached.
Then set modest goals and appropriately scaled tax increases.
Some school districts had to borrow money so there are going to be interest charges that will have to be paid.
Tack that on to your school property tax. Then there were the 15 republicans who jumped ship and voted for the big tax increase? All from around the Philly area. Hope the voters are paying attention. And we still have to get a complete budget. Where is our school property tax elimination bill? Thorns to Wolf and those who bowed to special interest and made sue that did not happen again. Some good and some bad.
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