I loved the original Star Wars move that came out in 1977. But getting in line a week before it plays? No thank you!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Fans Are Already Lining Up
LOS ANGELES – Marilyn Monroe and Freddy Krueger were trying not to look annoyed. But their mood was obvious on Monday afternoon as tourists paid little heed to the celebrity impersonators on Hollywood Boulevard, instead focusing their curiosity on more than 100 people camped out in the courtyard of the historic Chinese Theater.
No. It couldn’t be. Seriously?“We’re lining up for the new ‘Star Wars’ movie,” an Australian woman at the front of the queue, Caroline Ritter, told an incredulous-looking couple visiting from Ohio who stopped to inquire and take photos. “Yes, we still have a very long time to wait,” Ms. Ritter added. “No, we’re not crazy.”
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will arrive at the TCL Chinese Theater Imax, as the site is now officially called, on the evening of Dec. 17 — meaning that Ms. Ritter and her fellow die-hards will have waited for 12 unwashed days before the first light sabers flicker to life. (They began to assemble here on Saturday afternoon.) The question, especially in the age of reserved movie theater seating, is why?
I am anxious to see it as well. A reunion of old friends, in a way..
But, I'm going to wait several weeks.
It will be the same movie, and much more pleasant without the crowds.
It's going to be really big.‘Star Wars’ Is About to Break Records for Breaking Records “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will not only break records — every pre-release indicator suggests it will shatter, batter and stomp them into pieces when it opens on Friday, Dec. 18.Exhibit A would be the advance ticket sales.On Oct. 19, the first day fans could pony up, “The Force Awakens” outsold previous single-day record-holder “The Hunger Games” by an 8-to-1 margin at online broker Fandango, and by a 10-to-1 margin at It was 10-to-1 at AMC Theaters, too.
No film had ever done $1 million in advance IMAX theater sales, but “The Force Awakens” did, with $6.5 million. One month later, advance sales totaled $50 million, another record.And then there are the trailers. The latest one dropped by Disney and LucasFilm generated a record 112 million views in just 24 hours. Since Nov. 2014, when the first teaser was released online, official trailers, teasers and other snippets for ‘The Force Awakens’ have generated over 223 million views for the main “Star Wars” accounts on Facebook and YouTube, according to digital data tracker Tubular.