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12/07/2015 4:41 pm  #1

Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

 Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

HARRISBURG — The latest on the efforts by the Pennsylvania Legislature to pass budget bills and related legislation to end a 5-month-old stalemate that has shut off state aid to counties, schools and social services organizations.
2:27 p.m.

A House Republican budget plan is headed for consideration by the full chamber after a party-line vote in committee.The House Appropriations Committee voted 22 to 15 on Monday for a Republican bill about an hour after a rival budget passed the Senate with votes from both parties.

The $30.3 billion House Republican alternative increases education funding less than the $30.8 billion Senate-passed proposal would.Appropriations Chairman Bill Adolph says it would be funded with about $309 million in new taxes on tobacco products and licensing fees from gambling.

The House Republican plan also would apply the state's personal income tax to lottery winnings.Democrats say they're supporting the Senate-passed approach, and didn't get any time to fully analyze the House Republican bill.Adolph says the House could vote on it as early as Tuesday.

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


12/07/2015 5:03 pm  #2

Re: Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

Not a single spending cut to be seen, only increased taxes.  The budget is already over 5 months late, don't pass garbage now just for the sake of getting a budget done.  I hope the House rejects this.


12/07/2015 5:15 pm  #3

Re: Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

Well, the R-Tribe controls both the House the Senate and much of the judicial system within the state, so let's see where this goes.


12/07/2015 5:34 pm  #4

Re: Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

It will be interesting to see where this goes.  The Senate bill passed 43-7 and the Governor would sign it, but the House wants less spending.

I think we end up somewhere the $30.8 billion budget passed by the Senate, but the question is what taxes will be added to get there.  The House wants no changes to the income and sales tax, while the Senate might add some items to be included in the sales tax


12/08/2015 12:11 pm  #5

Re: Pa. Senate passes budget plan; needs House OK

I think this has been a major fail by the republicans!

What will be different now than 5 months ago? If you are going to take a stand then you better know how to play the game.

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”

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