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  • Just for Fun

    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Woman stops Florida cop for speeding by tennyson
    2/01/2016 12:09 pm
    0 456
    Get ready for those SUPERBOWL commercials by tennyson
    1/27/2016 9:12 am
    1 687
    1/31/2016 1:35 pm
    by Common Sense
    Stephen Moderates An All-Trump Debate by tennyson
    1/29/2016 11:10 pm
    3 986
    Ted Cruz by Just Fred
    1/29/2016 11:23 am
    4 1,181
    1/29/2016 4:35 pm
    by TheLagerLad
    Trump taps the right's anger against Fox by tennyson
    1/28/2016 9:02 am
    4 1,179
    Insider: How the Stock Market Works ! by tennyson
    1/26/2016 10:41 am
    0 465
    1 589
    1/26/2016 9:57 am
    by Just Fred
    She's BACK !! by tennyson
    1/20/2016 8:49 am
    6 1,722
    1 666
    1 653
    Palin Releases a Statement by Goose
    1/22/2016 8:43 am
    3 955
    1/22/2016 1:35 pm
    by flowergirl
    0 448
    2 775
    Biggest Problem! by Common Sense
    1/20/2016 2:16 pm
    0 424
    1/20/2016 2:16 pm
    by Common Sense
    January 2017 by Goose
    1/19/2016 9:21 am
    0 414

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