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    Topic Replies Views Last post
    1 535
    3/18/2016 7:42 am
    by Common Sense
    About St Patrick by Common Sense
    3/17/2016 9:56 am
    2 745
    3/17/2016 8:03 pm
    by Tarnation
    The "Natural" solution to the Drone Problem by tennyson
    3/15/2016 11:22 am
    0 498
    Waiting for sun and warm to return again. by tennyson
    3/15/2016 9:49 am
    0 423
    1 532
    Hamilton at the White House by tennyson
    3/15/2016 7:02 am
    0 484
    Violence at Trump Rally by tennyson
    3/13/2016 9:59 am
    1 546
    I want to go to this retirement party by Rongone
    3/09/2016 5:00 pm
    0 417
    “Hammer” - GE by Common Sense
    3/09/2016 6:42 am
    2 698
    I'm thinking about forming a Special District. by Rongone
    3/07/2016 1:56 pm
    3 950
    3/08/2016 4:36 pm
    by Common Sense
    2 727
    3/07/2016 1:23 pm
    by Conspiracy Theory
    Ready for Hillary! by Common Sense
    3/07/2016 8:59 am
    0 390
    3/07/2016 8:59 am
    by Common Sense
    Rupert Murdoch gets no sat - tis - fax - shun by Rongone
    3/05/2016 2:44 pm
    1 602
    Obama says he's not leaving D.C. next year by tennyson
    3/04/2016 11:18 am
    0 384
    0 392

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