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  • Just for Fun

    Topic Replies Views Last post
    0 322
    Deplorable Lives Matter! by Common Sense
    9/17/2016 10:15 am
    5 1,122
    Obituary in the Richmond Time-Dispatch by Rongone
    9/12/2016 12:43 pm
    2 674
    Pennies from heaven? by Rongone
    9/08/2016 7:33 am
    1 579
    9/08/2016 12:14 pm
    by flowergirl
    Whoopsie - Plane lands on wrong continent ! by tennyson
    9/07/2016 10:33 am
    0 431
    Trump's 30 Day Plan to defeat ISIS by Goose
    9/07/2016 8:00 am
    0 385
    Mexican President Made Donald Trump Pay for Lunch by Just Fred
    9/06/2016 9:05 am
    3 843
    Nuclear Codes - Just to be Fair and Balanced by tennyson
    9/05/2016 10:02 am
    1 519
    Branco Cartoon – Brain Freeze by Common Sense
    9/05/2016 8:24 am
    1 569
    "I am tired of being caught" by Goose
    9/01/2016 2:38 pm
    2 728
    Headlines by Goose
    8/31/2016 2:12 pm
    2 695
    The Wall by Goose
    8/27/2016 1:03 pm
    0 362
    Pickle-Gate by tennyson
    8/26/2016 10:51 am
    6 1,166
    Invasion of the Lesbian Farmers! by Goose
    8/25/2016 5:41 am
    4 994
    8/26/2016 7:10 am
    by Conspiracy Theory
    An unwise man once tweeted by Rongone
    8/22/2016 2:53 pm
    1 603
    8/22/2016 3:25 pm
    by Conspiracy Theory

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