The Exchange Memorial Wall » jconcilio's mother » 4/30/2019 10:54 am |
Thank you both so, so much. Your "grandmother" loved the work I'd put into the original Exchange. She was a longtime lurker, though she wasn't interested in posting!
The Exchange Memorial Wall » Sad news -- flowergirl a.k.a. AzaleaLady » 7/29/2018 1:48 pm |
I just wanted to make sure everyone here knew - Jo Ott, aka AzaleaLady and flowergirl, passed away last week. Obituary is here. Jo was one of the biggest parts of the "old" Exchange and just an awesome person. I thought there were likely many people here who would want to know.
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 1/22/2016 2:12 pm |
OK, haven't checked in for a while, but just wanted to say hi, and in SMALL WORLD news, I think my daughter and I know your pod-spouse! Pretty sure hers are among the animals at the farm where my daughter does her 4-H alpaca work, and semi-sure she owned one of the ones Sarah worked with!
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/21/2015 5:45 pm |
HA! Your revised story made me literally LOL. Very good points all.
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/18/2015 9:30 am |
That makes me happy, actually. I would be like, uh, better give me a football field's worth?
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/18/2015 7:36 am |
Physical size is weirder - some things I'm REALLY good at (I can pack a car trunk or a freezer like nobody's business). Distance is not good; though I'm so nearsighted even with glasses that I kind of always blamed that. People are harder; except for extremes, I think everyone is basically the same height and weight. I used to lead Weight Watchers meetings and people would be really nervous because I saw their weight, but the funny thing is, it actually had no meaning to me - like, 200 pounds didn't "look like" something at all, if that makes sense?
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/17/2015 6:53 pm |
CT, I'm thinking of you. Interestingly you described something very well that I believe my 15-year-old daughter struggles with - this lack of differentiation of time - and she has never been able to make me "get" what is going on nearly as well as you just did. She will have two hours to spare between events, but if the first event takes 5 minutes longer than she expects, she cannot grasp how much time will then pass before the next event, or whether she has "enough" time to still go there.
Not quite the same, I understand, but the lack of concept of the space time takes up really resonates with me.
As a completely random aside, a fun fact about me: I cannot tell time. I mean, I have had it explained to me 60 ways til Sunday. I was a math major. I get it - academically - sort of. But I cannot look at a clock and have any concept of what time it is. I'm usually quite wrong, and it's been embarrassing at points in life where, say, you're stuck in a room taking a test for a job and there's only an analog clock and you wear no digital watch. Oof.
Not really sure what one has to do with the other except I hope you feel less alone in knowing that I am ALWAYS glad to "talk" as it were, even about the minutia of my time-telling disorder.
Big hugs.
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/14/2015 2:20 pm |
I will be here waiting to read if and when you do post it. Big hugs.
CT's Writer's Corner » The Random Thoughts Thread » 8/13/2015 1:49 pm |
CT, I haven't been on in a while, but spent today catching up and realized you also have not written in a bit. Hope all is OK. I think of you often and hope you're doing well. I'm venturing back into the counseling/psychiatry system again after kind of throwing my hands up at the whole thing a few years back, and my return is in large part thanks to you. I'm trying to be honest with myself and things are not as stable as they had been, and doing what I've been doing isn't quite enough any more, so I figured help is the next step. We have a lot of the same challenges in life and I feel like when I read your "random thoughts," I end up understanding myself better.
So I really appreciate it... and hope to see more from you soon.
Just for Fun » One man's battle to go from fat to fit » 4/17/2015 11:56 am |
I'm so glad you shared this. I'm VERY inspired to follow his journey. I've not got nearly that amount of weight to lose but the fact is, it's a "there but for the grace of God" deal; I certainly have my share of the same issues.
Did you see his update at